Exhibitions > Odds against tomorrow-Exhibit D 2012 > Exhibit D-Bearspace gallery London 2012
My artwork To cover was chosen for the poster for this exhibition, details below.
BEARSPACE presents EXHIBIT D the final instalment on the ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW series:
Frances Copeman | Ruth Geldard | Katie Goodwin & Alex March
Sarah Greaves | Christopher Lee | David Lupton
Private View: Friday 26th October, 6.30pm-8.30pm
(in association with SLAM Fridays)
Saturday 20th October - Saturday 17th November 2012
Gallery open: Wednesday - Saturday 10am-6pm
ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW is a platform of four exhibitions drawing together some of the most innovative and exciting artistic talent in the UK exclusively throughout 2012. Taking its name from Robert Wise’s classic 1959 Film Noir, ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW is curated by Julia Alvarez and Katherine Hawker who assume the role of detectives. Alvarez and Hawker unveil underground artists and arrange them into artists gangs, by identifying trends and talent for 2012 and tomorrow, compiling a snapshot artists anthology.Gallery open: Wednesday - Saturday 10am-6pm
‘Science has explained nothing; the more we know the more fantastic the world becomes and the profounder the surrounding darkness.’
- Aldous Huxley
- Aldous Huxley
Man’s exploration into Space has continued to reveal that we know less and less about the universe in which we live than we had thought: the darkness of space introduces unfathomable ideas of infinity and isolation hand in hand with the possibility for life and creation against all odds. EXHIBIT D steps into the void and examines all things dark, borrowing the cliches of darkness: the underground, the evil, the fragile, the sensual, and the future, all spot-lit under a cloak of darkness.
Frances Copeman and David Lupton’s drawings set out to startle and shock, depicting physically and mentally dark places in monotone inks and graphite.
Darkness is given three dimensional form in Christopher Lee’s installation, recalling the nostalgia of childhood nightmares in its tactility and isolation, and in Ruth Geldard’s twisted figures, pieces are woven tightly in wool and bound in leather.
Katie Goodwin and Alex March present Film Fan exploring the dead format Super 8 and playing upon the seduction and myth of such obsolete technology. And finally, Sarah Greaves closes with neon and embroidered typography on found material, announcing ‘The End’ - but of what?
Frances Copeman and David Lupton’s drawings set out to startle and shock, depicting physically and mentally dark places in monotone inks and graphite.
Darkness is given three dimensional form in Christopher Lee’s installation, recalling the nostalgia of childhood nightmares in its tactility and isolation, and in Ruth Geldard’s twisted figures, pieces are woven tightly in wool and bound in leather.
Katie Goodwin and Alex March present Film Fan exploring the dead format Super 8 and playing upon the seduction and myth of such obsolete technology. And finally, Sarah Greaves closes with neon and embroidered typography on found material, announcing ‘The End’ - but of what?
pieces coming to the online shop soon...
Full artist biographies and statements available at www.bearspace.co.uk
EXHIBIT D is selected and curated by BEARSPACE as part of